Eric vs Mak

A 4-year fitness competition between friends.

The Baseline

On September 6th, Eric and Mak had DEXA scans, Fit3D scans, and Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) tests performed on them. The reports generated can be found below. The goal of these scans and tests was to set a baseline for the competition, and inform the decision of how to score the initial 6-month round.

First, Eric and Mak underwent RMR tests, which provide an estimate of one's Basal metabolic rate: the base rate at which an individual burns calories. The test is administered by sitting comfortably, using a purpose-built clothespin to pinch nostrils shut, breathing into a tube, and watching cooking videos on YouTube for 15 minutes. Eric learned that his metabolism was 5% below the norm for his demographic, probably due to being generally unhealthy. Mak learned that his metabolism was 10% below the norm for his demographic, probably due to his hypothyroidism and sedentary profession.

RMR room Mak taking an RMR test

Next, Eric and Mak underwent DEXA scans, which use two low-power X-ray beams to differentiate between the bones, fat, and lean tissue in one's body. The test is administered by being awkwardly trussed up to ensure your parallel arm and leg bones are visible to the scanner, while trying not to move for 11 minutes. Eric and Mak learned that they are both made of almost 40% fat. So... that was depressing.

DEXA room Mak trussed up Mak trussed up from the perspective of someone standing on a chair

Finally, Eric and Mak took turns locking themselves into a room with a self-service Fit3D scanner, and taking scans of themselves. Few things drive home how fat one is like watching a 3D model of yourself spinning in place.

Fit3D scanning room from the doorway Fit3D scanning room from the user's point of view

Once the scans/tests were completed, Eric and Mak each sat down with a Body Measure counsellor to discuss the results and get suggestions on how to stave off the ruin the results indicated.

Consultation station

Note that VO2 max tests are still pending.

The Results



Eric Mak
181 cm (5'11") Height 178 cm (5'10")
105.1 kg (231.7 lbs) Weight 101.9 kg (225.4 lbs)
1.91 kg (4.22 lbs) Visceral Fat 2.29 kg (5.06 lbs)
40.09 kg (88.4 lbs) Fat Mass 40.55 kg (89.4 lbs)
61.59 kg (135.8 lbs) Lean Mass 58.74 kg (129.5 lbs)

The Scoring

With the results in-hand, Eric and Mak decided that the scoring for each 6-month round should be different. For at least the first round or two, they intend to focus primarily on reduction of visceral fat. They also decided that rounds should not be scored in a zero-sum manner, nor as winner-takes-all affairs. Instead, each round will allow both contestants to score up to ??? points, with 1000 points available to each contestant for the entire competition. Each round will be graded on multiple axes, and the contestant with the 'best' result on an axis will have their result be considered the maximum value for that axis, with partial points available to the other contestant. For example, if Eric loses 4% of his visceral fat in a round, and Mak only loses 3%, Eric will receive 100% of the points for that axis, while Mak will receive 75% of the points available for that axis.

To prevent Eric or Mak from going on a crash diet to lose fat at all costs, preservation of lean tissue mass is another axis for this round.

The axes for this round are:

  1. Reduction in visceral fat (50 points)
  2. Reduction in non-visceral fat (30 points)
  3. Preservation or increase of lean tissue (20 points)

The axes will be calcualted as percentage change versus each contestant's baseline.